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He's always been told "Reach for the stars!" Finally, it seemed, one was within his grasp...
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There's nothing so grand as a day at the Halloween Fair!
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She was the apple of his eye...
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As much as he appreciated his family's attempt to cheer him, his birthday was spent thinking about being one year closer to his Date of Compulsory Expiration.
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The Gruesome Creature from Planet X
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With intercepted Earth transmissions of old "Perry Mason" episodes as his only law education, Ogg's primary tactic in the courtroom was to yell "Objection!"
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Its mouthparts uniquely adapted for consuming its favorite meal, the Italian fruit fly (Drosofila Gelati) is a frequent pest at ice cream socials.
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Her Majesty's lactose intolerance had a mind of its own -- and spoke up loudly whenever it chose.
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Disillusioned with life in the Orc army, Pat wondered why he, too, couldn't have had bone spurs.
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Fruit Fly Warrior Prince (Extreme Magnification series: Drosophila)
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Clown Fish #7
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Looking for love, Mr. Hornet goes a-courtin'' to the Pollinators' Ball..
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For overly-dramatic Kyle, even the act of ordering coffee was an occasion for a performance. (Honestly, it's exhausting just being in the same room with him.)
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As ambassador from a distant watery planet, Zolbit brought words of greeting -- and of dire warning.
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Already deeply troubled by thoughts of the coming harvest, now, in the darkness, Arlen heard it again: two words, whispered, conjuring a terror that no other phrase could... "Pumpkin pie..."
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Already in the 5th grade you could tell what kind of self-absorbed jerk he was going to grow up to be.
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Always eager to share, little Timmy showed up to the big birthday party with a generous gift, a happy smile, and a raging case of chicken pox.
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Bird Lover #2
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Bill learned an important lesson that day about falling asleep on the beach without adequate sunscreen.
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No denying it: he was prone to being a little hot-headed.
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Joy of joys: to live on a peaceful planet, where he quickly became High Priest of Gardening
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“Do cold-blooded zombies get a chill up their spine, when something grabs them from behind?”
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